10 Entrepreneur Friendly Coffee Shops in Austin
Tuesday, 04 September 2012
In the incredibly eclectic and entrepreneurial community that is Austin, TX, trying to create a list of the ideal coffee houses for entrepreneurs is next to impossible and undoubtedly most will disagree with me about at least one or two here. After all, entrepreneurship is so woven into the DNA of Austin, it’s probably safe to say
I’m a Hustler Baby
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
In the past week-and-change, we had the incredible pleasure of welcoming Marc Mapes to the Cospace team. I’m a personal fan as he took the risk of playing with his name for his blog; where “SEO’Brien” has served me well – as much a handicap as a boon, you can’t argue with the genius of a personal brand like
Promoting Your Business with a WordPress Plugin
Thursday, 08 March 2012
Few marketers, and even fewer entrepreneurs and business owners, realize the significance of WordPress. With the hype and popularity of Tumblr (to be sure, it’s growing like a weed), this CMS (Content Management System) is easily discarded as a tool used by blogs and bloggers. Any idea how many blogs are in the world? I
- Published in Advertising, Search, Startups