What is this Real-Time Marketing of Which You Speak?
Thursday, 20 June 2013
The pace at which business is moving is now; really, you’re already behind. In the brief second it took you to read that very statement, I’ve cost you (an opportunity cost granted) the time to focus on something else, relevant to your business, happening, right now. We’ve always been pretty capable of dealing with those
- Published in Advertising, Industry, Insights / Research
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RISE to the Occasion
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
RISE Austin kicked off yesterday and proves, once again, to be one of the pivotal events in Austin’s entrepreneurial economy. On the heels of President Obama’s visit to Austin, the timing of RISE is an intriguing contrast to the President’s goal of learning what makes Austin so incredible and successful. While he and the world
Architecting Growth
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
About a decade ago, I was standing at the top of the Empire State building when someone nearby asked why New York City seems to have two distinct areas with sky scrapers. Have you ever noticed? Have you ever wondered? The answer is what I’ve concluded to be one of the most important considerations with
- Published in Advertising, Insights / Research, Startups
Working With Austin
Tuesday, 05 March 2013
As SXSW creeps upon us, I’ve spent the last few months considering how exceptionally Austin has communicated to the world that this is the place to live and work. It’s not just hard to disagree, it’s downright impossible: with exceptionally low unemployment rates, incredible business incentives provided by the city and state, a creative and
New to Freelancing? How Not to Get Screwed
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
The great majority of us looking to shared, collaborative work spaces are in the freelance game and if you’re new to it, you may have realized by now that, unfortunately, not everyone is out there trying to help you. In fact, for every good client, you’ll find another looking to get something for nothing. You
- Published in Industry