Getting Into Coworking
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Those of us working in the coworking community know, that per capita, Austin, Texas is the hotbed of the movement. According to Google Search Trends and reported by DeskMag, Austin leads the US market in search queries (demand) related to coworking; it’s no surprise Austin is home to the Global Coworking Unconference. For that reason,
2 Comments Grows to Serve All Work Spaces – Austin’s Cospace Coworking Closes
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Last week, the Cospace brand evolved to focus on serving entrepreneurs and professionals throughout the world as our web service continues to aggregate and promote work spaces; providing economic and real estate intelligence. In July 2012, we launched to index and promote every work environment; connecting skilled professionals with the right place to work.
- Published in Local, Startups, Vertical Search
How the Internet Failed to Change Our Lives
Saturday, 29 December 2012
Wrapping up this year and having spent some incredible time with an amazingly diverse set of innovations (and innovators), I starting wondering if and how the internet has really failed to deliver on its promise. One of the sobering realities of a capitalistic economy is that the almighty dollar, indeed, causes tremendous innovations, services, and
- Published in Industry
airbnb for Entrepreneurs
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Without a doubt, one of the most exceptional new services brought to us by the interweb is airbnb. An incredibly obvious service (in hindsight); the website connects people with unique spaces that can serve as an accommodation, to travelers looking a distinct, personal, and comfortable experience. As they put it, “Airbnb connects people to unique