e-Commerce Provider Comparison: Shopify, BigCommerce, Volusion, Pinnacle Cart…
Friday, 24 June 2011
If you’ve ever ventured in to e-Commerce, you know that the platform choices can be mind boggling. From developing your own store to hosting it with a WordPress plugin to leveraging a 3rd party provider to getting started on a fully hosted service like Etsy, the options are so complex that it’s not a question
- Published in eCommerce
A Prius in Austin, TX
Wednesday, 01 June 2011
Having been in Austin for about 6 months now, there’s one irrefutable fact that everyone in Austin acknowledges with a cock-eyed smile; Californians love Austin, perhaps too much. More than that, Steiner Ranch (the neighborhood in which we settled) seems to be the magnet for relocations from the Sunshine State. One of those transplants myself,
- Published in Austin, Insights / Research, Local, Startups
SXSW ’11 Panel to Watch: Left Brain Search = Google. Right Brain Search = X
Monday, 28 February 2011
Ever wonder why Google isn’t very helpful in finding something to do? While search engines are pretty good at finding information, they are terrible user experiences for those hoping to conveniently consume and digest that information (sorry for the food analogy). The solution lies in the sentiment of the audience. Mood based discovery engine Moodfish
- Published in Search
What Google’s Content Farm News Means To You
Friday, 25 February 2011
For months, years, Google has been lambasted for the decreasing quality of their results. Annoyed by search results page dominated by the likes of Demand Media and other content farms, fed up with comment spam, and frustrated to the lengths everyone will go to own SERPs, the industry and consumers alike have cried from the
- Published in Search