How do you compete with a startup doing the same thing as you?
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
Also known as Cheaper / Better / Faster, you get to pick two. How do you compete with a startup doing the same thing as you? You study them. It’s called Marketing. That’s what Marketing actually is, too many think it means promotion or advertising. see: Is Advertising Marketing? The Best Marketing Advice to Give a Startup
- Published in Advertising, Featured, PR, Search, Startups
The Networking to do BEFORE you Startup
Monday, 18 March 2019
A simple list of five. The FIVE groups of people to start networking before you start anything… Toward investors. Start now. Getting know them before you need them. Get to know those who will likely support what you’re doing. They’re advisors so they can invest, not banks that are just there for capital. With potential
From Automobile to Innovation – Stories of Entrepreneurship
Sunday, 13 January 2019
I didn’t grow up around incredible cars, nor in a family of enthusiasts, but a few of my earliest and fondest memories involve automobiles. The first was as a child, being driven to school by mom, when she shared a passing anecdote that she had always wanted to be a race car driver (that story
Why Businesses Neglect Advertising (and why you shouldn’t)
Monday, 07 January 2019
Why do people think they don’t need to spend money on advertisements? It’s a great question and as one first posed to me in the new year; it felt like a calling to answer it. Why don’t businesses readily advertise?? Strap it, I’m going to criticize us all. Two reasons The internet has led a
- Published in Advertising
How Silicon Valley Really Got Its Start: In Fashion Tech
Friday, 21 December 2018
It was in 1848, that a carpenter by the name of James Marshall spotted gold at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma, Calif. Soon hopeful prospectors flooded the Golden State in search of their fortunes. Today’s gold rush is, of course, the venture capital discovered in them thar hills; with entrepreneurs flooding the Valley in search of their
- Published in Industry, Insights / Research