The Disconnect Between Sales and Marketing
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
This is a topic that really intrigues. In part, simply because it’s a VERY frequently discussed topic and considered issue. Check it out, from a simple Google Search: Why Marketing and Sales Don’t Get Along – From Grow and Convert Why Sales and Marketing Don’t Get Along – Via Harvard Business Review 3 Reasons B2B
- Published in Advertising, Insights / Research, Search, Startups
Startup KPIs
Tuesday, 09 July 2019
Alright, in a rare break from how I tend to write, no narrative this time besides this which you’re reading now. A list! The KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) your startup should have. More importantly, Startup KPIs must be: Well defined Quantifiable Communicated throughout your team If they’re not, they’re not KPIs, they’re distractions or vanity
- Published in Advertising, Analytics, Insights / Research, PR, Startups
Startups: Marketing Yourself or Hiring a Professional
Monday, 10 June 2019
Marketing is the first, foremost, and most important thing a business does. No market for your idea… nothing for you to do, no? You are doing that, yes? There is no customer, no investor, no partner, no desire, no demand, no co-founder, no support for what you want to do. You keep going? No, if
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
Justifying Analytics – How Every Business Knows What to Do
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Not long ago, I shared a tweet that went a bit viral, noting that in our exuberance of things like “Big data” and “Machine Learning,” and through our Education system’s increasing focus on STEM, we’d do well in society to ensure merely that everyone has a basic understand of the data that’s available thanks to
- Published in Advertising, Analytics, Insights / Research
Does a University like Stanford Produce more Successful Startups? This Might be Why
Friday, 05 April 2019
Culture. It all, always, comes down to the culture of community. Why does Silicon Valley produce startups differently than elsewhere? Why does Hollywood have a style and way about their films that really isn’t replicated elsewhere? Why is Arizona State University a “party school” that produces highly social people? As entrepreneurs, we like to THINK
- Published in Insights / Research, Regional Development, Startups
The Rookie Mistake Investors Make Getting into Venture Capital
Tuesday, 02 April 2019
Venture capital investing is the riskier version of gambling in Las Vegas. Truly. 90% of startups fail. FEW are experienced with discerning any difference between those likely to fail and those not. What’s the rookie mistake in venture capital investing? Being a rookie. Without experience in startups, your odds are against you as much as
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups