Creating Content that Impacts
Thursday, 11 July 2019
by Paul O'Brien
There are a few technical skills involved in publishing an article online and then driving engagement and enthusiasm with it. Far too often, I hear from business owners, artists, or entrepreneurs, who “tried blogging” or did “some” podcasting and all but gave up because they didn’t get the results they expected. Come on folks,
- Published in Search, Social Media
A Thought on Being the Best Online Marketer You Can Be
Tuesday, 30 April 2019
by Paul O'Brien
Digital marketing, online marketing, internet marketing, interactive, social media, content marketing, growth hacking…. it’s enough to make your head swim! And in my experience with most who use those terms, they’re really just tactical specialists who have a skill in an online media channel. The bottom line is that Online Marketing is Marketing, online. Digital
- Published in Advertising, Social Media
How Top Startup CEOs and VCs Find Time to Tweet so Much
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
by Paul O'Brien
I was peppered with this question six ways to Sunday recently and honestly, I couldn’t help but wonder if the public attention on Trump and Elon Musk’s tweets, haven’t had something to do with everyone asking how (or really why) these people in presumably busy and important roles, manage the time to bother tweeting. In
- Published in Social Media, Startups
Start Up Right: Know Your Potential Customers
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
by Paul O'Brien
Every entrepreneur struggles with the idea of traction. The word we hear uttered by investors, mentioned by advisors, cited in blog posts, and the holy grail of entrepreneurship, traction, really means a lot of different things to any number of people. And still, as we venture forth, we’re constantly focused on customers and what I’ve noticed
- Published in Brand Marketing, Insights / Research, Social Media, Startups
How Content Creation Affects Your Funding
Monday, 16 January 2017
by Paul O'Brien
Content media site Medium announced just days ago that they are restructuring through layoffs and office closings as they “renew their focus.” Medium CEO, Ev Williams, noted that, “in building out this model, we realized we didn’t yet have the right solution to the big question of driving payment for quality content. We had started scaling up the teams to
- Published in Insights / Research, Raising Capital, Search, Social Media
Startup Marketing Metrics that Matter
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
by Paul O'Brien
While today’s entrepreneurs are fascinated with Eric Ries, Peter Thiel, Steve Blank and Seth Godin (and rightly so), I fear I’m too frequently referring to an unheard of an esteemed author from decades ago; as though the entreprneuers of today are happy being ignorant of the past and willingly doomed to repeat the mistakes of
- Published in Advertising, Analytics, Insights / Research, PR, Search, Social Media
Entre to the Internet; Marketing for Startups
Thursday, 17 July 2014
by Paul O'Brien
Thanks to the incredible startup program at Houston’s Rice University, I’ve had a chance to update a popular, but out of date, post about Startup Marketing. In the process, I had a chance to meet the exceptional entrepreneurs in this year’s Owlspark program. While not too dissimilar from that startup marketing post, this update touches
- Published in Advertising, eCommerce, Insights / Research, Search, Social Media, Startups