The Disconnect Between Sales and Marketing
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
This is a topic that really intrigues. In part, simply because it’s a VERY frequently discussed topic and considered issue. Check it out, from a simple Google Search: Why Marketing and Sales Don’t Get Along – From Grow and Convert Why Sales and Marketing Don’t Get Along – Via Harvard Business Review 3 Reasons B2B
- Published in Advertising, Insights / Research, Search, Startups
Startups: Marketing Yourself or Hiring a Professional
Monday, 10 June 2019
Marketing is the first, foremost, and most important thing a business does. No market for your idea… nothing for you to do, no? You are doing that, yes? There is no customer, no investor, no partner, no desire, no demand, no co-founder, no support for what you want to do. You keep going? No, if
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
How do you compete with a startup doing the same thing as you?
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
Also known as Cheaper / Better / Faster, you get to pick two. How do you compete with a startup doing the same thing as you? You study them. It’s called Marketing. That’s what Marketing actually is, too many think it means promotion or advertising. see: Is Advertising Marketing? The Best Marketing Advice to Give a Startup
- Published in Advertising, Featured, PR, Search, Startups
Why Businesses Neglect Advertising (and why you shouldn’t)
Monday, 07 January 2019
Why do people think they don’t need to spend money on advertisements? It’s a great question and as one first posed to me in the new year; it felt like a calling to answer it. Why don’t businesses readily advertise?? Strap it, I’m going to criticize us all. Two reasons The internet has led a
- Published in Advertising
Might it be Said that the Purpose of an Entrepreneur is to Create Problems?
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
The Problem Solution Statement; a core tenet of Lean Startup and Customer Development. A phrase that conveys to founders and investors alike that the purpose of a startup is to solve a problem; an idea that leads many to believe that a pitch should lay out how the problem is being solved. With most new
- Published in Startups