Startup Founders, a Good Idea Solves a Problem, A Great Idea Creates Value
Thursday, 29 June 2023
We have a huge problem in the startup ecosystem; that’s that most founders have been misled by a lot of people to think in terms of Problem / Solution. That a solution to a problem is what matters foremost in a startup. And that has led to the notion that validation is a simple matter
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
Startups aren’t defined by Tech: How a Beverage Venture can Change the World
Sunday, 09 October 2022
Why is Coca-Cola a super successful company even though its main product does not solve any world problem? The question caught my attention for two reasons: Much of the world seems misled to perceive that startups and technology go hand in hand, as though something can’t be a startup unless it is in tech. Too
- Published in Advertising, Industry, Insights / Research, Startups
Startups: Market Timing is Misleading
Monday, 27 June 2022
It’s never too early to work on something toward which you’re truly passionate. Too many founders start out focused on building the business they want or expecting when and how to make money. Bless them for playing, but that’s not how startups work. Those are the people who fail not because they’re wrong, they fail
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
‘I Recently Left an Agency to Join a Startup…’
Monday, 21 March 2022
“Now I have to think in terms of scale and process, not just marketing, which is a new paradigm for me. What are your best learning resources (book, webinars, podcasts, etc.) to start thinking in terms of scale and process?” Great question, but one that also left me with a weight of concern, disappointment, and
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
A Competition Slide that Closes Capital
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
I was asked recently if Facebook and Google are competitors, and the question being asked, struck me with as much alarm as hearing a startup founder say they don’t have competitors. What most frequently gives an investor pause is a slide in a pitch deck that communicates that you’re not paying attention to your market and
- Published in Raising Capital
Why a Competitive Analysis is a First Step as a Founder
Thursday, 17 September 2020
There is a trick to entrepreneurship, to starting a venture, that no one really ever talks about. Not sure why they don’t talk about it… perhaps because they don’t understand how to do it… perhaps because everyone is selling something… perhaps because they’ve hired help and it sucked… regardless, I’m going to let you in
- Published in Advertising, Featured, Insights / Research, Startups