Google Analytics for Startups
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Some time ago, I had the honor of speaking during PeopleFund’s Innovation Week on the question of how to make the most of Google Analytics, with the fewest resources. Simply put, what every startup should do to make the platform one of their most valuable tools. Isn’t it already one of a startup’s most valuable tools??
The Internet of Everything
Thursday, 09 January 2014
Before the holiday and the end of 2013, I had the distinct honor of joining dozens of San Antonio CEOs and Texas CEO Magazine in spending an hour with Smart Grid Pioneer and author of The Advanced Smart Grid, Andres Carvallo. Why you might ask; if you know me professionally, you know that energy and
- Published in Advertising, Industry, Insights / Research, Startups
Entrepreneur Year’s Resolutions!
Thursday, 02 January 2014
Stop celebrating and get back to work! No, that’s not #1. But, let’s start by recognizing that today’s economy requires that we constantly evolve; you can do that by working harder, or smarter. The way we work is changing, the way we go to market has changed, we’re constantly finding new ways to validate business,
- Published in Startups
What is this Real-Time Marketing of Which You Speak?
Thursday, 20 June 2013
The pace at which business is moving is now; really, you’re already behind. In the brief second it took you to read that very statement, I’ve cost you (an opportunity cost granted) the time to focus on something else, relevant to your business, happening, right now. We’ve always been pretty capable of dealing with those
- Published in Advertising, Industry, Insights / Research
Where Do I Find, Vet, and Engage with Rockstar Marketers?
Monday, 10 June 2013
A few FounderDating entrepreneurs recently fired up a topic discussion that every founder, startup, and business owner has had at some point in the early development of their idea; that very question, “how do you find great marketers?” – a question that comes up in public discussions more than a few times a week. So what’s the answer?
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
RISE to the Occasion
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
RISE Austin kicked off yesterday and proves, once again, to be one of the pivotal events in Austin’s entrepreneurial economy. On the heels of President Obama’s visit to Austin, the timing of RISE is an intriguing contrast to the President’s goal of learning what makes Austin so incredible and successful. While he and the world
Architecting Growth
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
About a decade ago, I was standing at the top of the Empire State building when someone nearby asked why New York City seems to have two distinct areas with sky scrapers. Have you ever noticed? Have you ever wondered? The answer is what I’ve concluded to be one of the most important considerations with
- Published in Advertising, Insights / Research, Startups