Removing Barriers to Scale – Marketing Before Raising Capital
Monday, 28 January 2013
As an entrepreneur raising capital, you expect the inevitable question about growth. From where are you going to acquire customers? Such a question, though expected and appropriate, is as laden with ignorance as the typical answers. At the end of the day, no one needs to know how, nor model from, where you will acquire
- Published in Startups
Promoting Your Business with a WordPress Plugin
Thursday, 08 March 2012
Few marketers, and even fewer entrepreneurs and business owners, realize the significance of WordPress. With the hype and popularity of Tumblr (to be sure, it’s growing like a weed), this CMS (Content Management System) is easily discarded as a tool used by blogs and bloggers. Any idea how many blogs are in the world? I
- Published in Advertising, Search, Startups
360i’s David Berkowitz joins Unintentional Entrepreneurs in New York
Saturday, 08 August 2009
First Lorna Li, now David Berkowitz; I don’t think its possible for me to express how grateful I am that this community of which I’m part, is so supportive of one another. Next Thursday, August 13th, Outright and Network Solutions bring the Unintentional Entrepreneur road trip to New York City, where David Berkowitz will join
- Published in Conferences / Events