Pop Labs Conversion Closing Rap
Sunday, 06 April 2008
Poetic Prophet, Chuck, a Pop Labs super star and viral marketing genius (though they deal in SEO and search marketing) is turning interactive marketing concepts into original music. Here, a rap about making the right choices in your online marketing campaigns to increase not only traffic but the conversions you get. I’m looking forward to
- Published in Fun, Paid Search, Vendors / Agencies
Peel Away Advertising for your Site or Blog
Monday, 04 February 2008
ProfitPeelers has launched, in beta, an affiliate web service allowing publishers to easily add a script to their site that adds a peel away ad to the page. These unobtrusive ads are believed to convert at much higher rates meaning more dollars for publishers and more opportunity for marketers. I’m excited about the ease of
- Published in Advertising
Traditional Marketers Don’t Get It
Thursday, 11 October 2007
IBM Distinguished Engineer Mike Moran had the forethought to more eloquently title an article, “Why Search Marketing Is So Hard,” but what it comes down to, in understanding why some marketers can’t catch on, is how search works. That search marketing is a radically different, alien form of advertising, to traditional marketers. What is second nature to
- Published in Paid Search, Search
AMA Hot Topic Series Seattle: Search Engine Marketing
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Out of one conference and in to another! With hardly enough time to breathe from a highly successful SES San Jose, I’ll be in Seattle September 10th with netconcept’s Stephan Spencer, Alan Rimm-Kaufmann, Christopher Alan, Sahala Swenson, and Neil Patel for the American Marketing Association’s Hot Topic Series on Search Engine Marketing. We’ll share a
- Published in Conferences / Events, Search