10 Entrepreneur Friendly Coffee Shops in Austin
Tuesday, 04 September 2012
In the incredibly eclectic and entrepreneurial community that is Austin, TX, trying to create a list of the ideal coffee houses for entrepreneurs is next to impossible and undoubtedly most will disagree with me about at least one or two here. After all, entrepreneurship is so woven into the DNA of Austin, it’s probably safe to say
What Collaborative Spaces Mean to a Community
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Whether a community of entrepreneurs, developers, small business owners, or none of the above, collaborative work spaces are changing the landscape of our workforce and driving economic development for cities. This is no more apparent than in the reaction of the community of Silicon Valley to news that Hacker Dojo was in peril. New York Times Reports: Silicon Valley
- Published in Insights / Research, Startups
Founders Dating
Monday, 06 August 2012
Starting a new business is a lot like dating. Indeed, the founders of Cospace went on a few dates; we had drinks, we explored our likes and dislikes, experimented with a few ideas, (I think I even got to second base once), and now it’s serious. Lucky for us, this was’t our first time around
- Published in Startups
Austin Startup Week
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Some major movers and shakers in Austin are pulling together the first of a series of events focused on Austin’s incredible startup scene. Scheduled for 5 days in September (6 – 10, 2011), Austin Startup Week will expose you to the hottest Austin Startups and the people that make them happen. The goal? “To create an
- Published in Startups
See You At TechCrunch50?
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Monday and Tuesday next week, September 14-15, the industry’s exciting technologies and entrepreneurs converge on San Francisco and the San Francisco Design Center Concourse for one of the most influential events for startups and web services. Last year, TC50 hosted 250 start-up and early-stage companies, pitching to thousands of 2,000 attendees and buyers, VCs and
- Published in Conferences / Events
Understanding Online Video
Saturday, 04 April 2009
Long one of the shortcomings in the transition from TV to online was the gap from online video to the rich analytics available through banners, search marketing, or email; each complements, in many ways, to similar traditional formats of their own. What made online advertising, search, or email so compelling was that one could easily
- Published in Advertising, Insights / Research