Yahoo! Crawling to a Halt on GZ files?
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Well, I really hope the news is true but I’ve reason to believe Yahoo is freezing up on a sitemap compression standard that allows us to reduce the file size of large sitemaps. Months ago, Yahoo, Google, and Microsoft (and more recently Ask) announced that they has agreed to the sitemap protocol outlined at
- Published in Search
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Yahoo and Google and Microsoft oh my!
Friday, 04 May 2007
Can anyone keep up with recent news? Acquisition talk following what seems to be the month of mergers, with Hitwise going to Experian and, of course, Google’s pick up of DoubleClick, brings my old stomping grounds and once world’s strongest brand into the limelight. Yahoo! and Microsoft Microsoft is stepping up pursuit of Yahoo! to
- Published in Advertising, Search
Unfortunate Ad Placement
Saturday, 28 April 2007
A 404 or Not Found error message is the standard response code indicating that you were unable to communicate with the server hosting the page requested. Its what you see when the site isn’t there.
- Published in Advertising
Building an Effective Paid Search Program
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
It seems every day we are faced with new SEM opportunities from MSN, Google, Yahoo, Ask, and, shortly, AOL. With demographic and geographic targeting now available, quality scores to consider, the long tail, copy and landing page tests, and increasing bid rates, where does one begin? If someone was already familiar with the concepts of
- Published in Analytics, Paid Search, Search