Google Please Work on the Blog Search Algorithm!
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
One aspect of the regular search algorithm that seems of increasing importance to blog search is authority; page rank, or what ever you want to call it. Simply, ensuring that blog search fosters the inherent premise of a blog by promoting real bloggers. I LOVE blog search. I can’t stress enough how much I prefer
- Published in Blogs & Blogging, Google, Vertical Search
T-shirts the ideal form of targeted marketing?
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
The CPM is low, though distribution costs a challenge. Consider that a simple t-shirt serves as an endorsement, while reaching the wearer’s peers – targeted, potential customers. After all, if said wearer loves your products or service, are his friends more likely to feel the same? They can be locally targeted, serve as a cherished
- Published in Advertising, Local, Startups
3 Laws of SEO
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
If one were to distill all of the considerations associated with search engine optimization (not withstanding the new developments in semantic search), I’ve been asking myself if it isn’t possible to summarize 3 immutable laws of SEO. Hearken back a moment to elementary science and roll with me, so called laws are considered invariable facts
- Published in Natural Search / SEO, Search