Why the world needs SEOs (or – Google only works in an efficient market)
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
In our industry, we often opine two important considerations:Google’s algorithmThe Question (if you will) of an SEO Most significant to the first question is the process of SEO itself; our constant evaluation of how it works, methodology, success stories and failures. We question how the model works so as to effectively optimize a site to
- Published in Natural Search / SEO, Search
Behavioral Targeting Optimization
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Don’t you just love epiphanies? Those brief moments in time when a great idea just hits you. I feel like I had one of those this morning, an opportunity so obvious, it alarms me that ad networks and portals have yet to have stumbled on the idea themselves. A few days ago I had a
- Published in Advertising
Who is John Q?
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
As I was contemplating the design of my own blog this morning, it struck me as amusing that I always get served eye candy ads for John Q TV. Assuming AdBrite’s targeting technology is working, clearly, I may be revealing embarrassing information about my behavior but I don’t spend time surfing babe websites and therefore
- Published in Change Log, Display Advertising
eCommerce Optimization
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Feel free to hang me from the rafters. I am a great example of a “fair weather blogger” who shifts the theme of my posts to favor the predominant theme in my life. My oldest readers are most likely in retail and online commerce, the roots of SEO’Brien founded in my eCommerce experience. Over time
- Published in eCommerce
Traditional Marketers Don’t Get It
Thursday, 11 October 2007
IBM Distinguished Engineer Mike Moran had the forethought to more eloquently title an article, “Why Search Marketing Is So Hard,” but what it comes down to, in understanding why some marketers can’t catch on, is how search works. That search marketing is a radically different, alien form of advertising, to traditional marketers. What is second nature to
- Published in Paid Search, Search