Click Here – The Importance of Anchor Text
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
There is a fascinating SERP artifact which almost prompts me to question whether or not there is no more valuable focus in SEO than anchor text. Anchor text you ask, how can that possibly be most important?? Well in truth, I’m not supposing it is but give these searches a moment of your time. “Click
- Published in Fun, Natural Search / SEO
Merry Tossmass Video – Targeted Advertising Oversight?
Friday, 14 December 2007
Happy Festivus everyone! With the annual debate and debacle over the use of “Christmas” and related symbolism, this clip came across my desk as a breath of fresh air. I share it with you not to stimulate that debate of “Holiday” vs. Christmas but to pose interesting Marketing questions that come to mind. First, enjoy:
- Published in Advertising, Surplus
Large Scale Bid Management – Pubcon 2007 session digest
Friday, 14 December 2007
After a nightmare traveling (I haven’t had much luck lately) with 6 hours to go from SFO to Las Vegas, I arrived only in time for the Tuesday afternoon session, “Large scale bid management”. I was anxious to listen in having done that very thing at HP and now find myself starting such campaigns again.
- Published in Conferences / Events, Paid Search, Vendors / Agencies