Why You Need A Blog
Thursday, 13 March 2008
I’ve had a dozen folks ask me about blogs since only the first of the year so here’s an episode from CommonCraft Productions, allowing me to, once again, cop out on a real post (I promise I won’t make it a habit) The CommonCraft Show has found a niche with these unique videos providing brief
- Published in Blogs & Blogging
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Paid Clicks are Dead. Long Live Paid Clicks!
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
According to comScore, Google’s paid search click volume fell 7% in January, from the previous month, and were relatively flat with the same period last year. Industry pundits, economists, and search experts are fervent with the data, citing everything from a slow month, to validation of a recession, to the downfall of society! I for
- Published in Advertising, Search
Performance Based Web Design
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
For those of you that have been with me a while, you know that I’m a tremendous advocate of performance based marketing. I firmly believe that online marketing is heavily, certainly predominantly, and almost completely analytics driven when done well. We need not as what ad rates well with focus groups or how effectively a
- Published in Analytics, Display Advertising, Vendors / Agencies
Yahoo, Microsoft, Google oh my! (part 2 – the acquisition)
Wednesday, 06 February 2008
As questions whirl about the bid from Microsoft to acquire Yahoo!, I’m still astounded at how the focus of the media is on Search and what such a merger of traditional technology and internet behemoths will mean for Yahoo’s share of search relative to Google. The fact is, Google’s core technology and search science means
- Published in Search
Peel Away Advertising for your Site or Blog
Monday, 04 February 2008
ProfitPeelers has launched, in beta, an affiliate web service allowing publishers to easily add a script to their site that adds a peel away ad to the page. These unobtrusive ads are believed to convert at much higher rates meaning more dollars for publishers and more opportunity for marketers. I’m excited about the ease of
- Published in Advertising