Is the media helping or hurting our understanding of SEO?
Friday, 25 July 2008
CNET’s Stephen Shankland has written a thorough review of Microsoft’s BrowseRank, “Microsoft tries to one-up Google PageRank” but its this perspective that really tells the story. It’s maddening to see yet another naive or deliberately misleading article on an innovation in search ranking, that perpetuates persistent misunderstanding of how search works and what makes search
- Published in Insights / Research, Search
The Top 10 SEO Myths (& Priorities)
Thursday, 03 July 2008
iMedia Connection, Associate Editor Michael Estrin has pulled together a must read SEO article with contributions from SEO Superstars, Kevin Ryan, Paul Bruemmer, Danny Sullivan, Aaron Wall, Shimon Sandler, and Google’s Adam Lasnik. The article reviews what I think everyone would agree are the most widely believed myths as well as the most important considerations
- Published in Natural Search / SEO, Search
My self-medication
Monday, 09 June 2008
Whew! It has sure been a while hasn’t it? My day job has kept me so swamped with exceptional growth and new opportunity that I haven’t even had time to take a moment for myself, let alone my blog. Until now! On the eve of a trip to Cabo San Lucas I stumbled upon this
- Published in Blogs & Blogging, Fun
Google wins another title; overtakes Yahoo
Thursday, 15 May 2008
I’d bet you didn’t realize that for all the hype Google receives for having the greatest search share, Yahoo! still reigns supreme as the most used (trafficked) website. According to comScore latest numbers, Yahoo serves 33.6 billion page views per month easily eclipsing Google’s 28.7 billion. Traditional marketers (or, frankly, savvy marketers who recognize that
- Published in Advertising, Search
Pop Labs Conversion Closing Rap
Sunday, 06 April 2008
Poetic Prophet, Chuck, a Pop Labs super star and viral marketing genius (though they deal in SEO and search marketing) is turning interactive marketing concepts into original music. Here, a rap about making the right choices in your online marketing campaigns to increase not only traffic but the conversions you get. I’m looking forward to
- Published in Fun, Paid Search, Vendors / Agencies