Integrate Search Marketing with Offline! (for cryin’ out loud!)
Tuesday, 09 September 2008
My heart bleeds with tears of sorrow at the discovery by iProspect and JupiterResearch that nearly half (45%) of search engine marketers do NOT integrate their search marketing efforts with offline channels. diable pensez-vous?!? (pardon my french) How can we be doing this when evidence consistently shows that a majority of searchers are driven to
- Published in Brand Marketing, Display Advertising, Paid Search, Search
Pop Labs Conversion Closing Rap
Sunday, 06 April 2008
Poetic Prophet, Chuck, a Pop Labs super star and viral marketing genius (though they deal in SEO and search marketing) is turning interactive marketing concepts into original music. Here, a rap about making the right choices in your online marketing campaigns to increase not only traffic but the conversions you get. I’m looking forward to
- Published in Fun, Paid Search, Vendors / Agencies
Paid Clicks are Dead. Long Live Paid Clicks!
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
According to comScore, Google’s paid search click volume fell 7% in January, from the previous month, and were relatively flat with the same period last year. Industry pundits, economists, and search experts are fervent with the data, citing everything from a slow month, to validation of a recession, to the downfall of society! I for
- Published in Advertising, Search
Large Scale Bid Management – Pubcon 2007 session digest
Friday, 14 December 2007
After a nightmare traveling (I haven’t had much luck lately) with 6 hours to go from SFO to Las Vegas, I arrived only in time for the Tuesday afternoon session, “Large scale bid management”. I was anxious to listen in having done that very thing at HP and now find myself starting such campaigns again.
- Published in Conferences / Events, Paid Search, Vendors / Agencies
Is Your Paid Seach Vendor Ignorant (or Incompetent)?
Thursday, 04 October 2007
Recently, paid search vendors have been an object of my scrutiny. In the process, I’ve been alarmed at the significant variation in capabilities between them as they make wild claims and in order to win business. One capability (or rather, incapability) repeatedly stuck out at numerous agencies; this angered me so much that I want
- Published in Paid Search, Search, Vendors / Agencies
Adchemy hiring a Search Engine Marketing Director
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Veterans of my blog know the last thing I’m going to do is start posting every job opportunity in online marketing. There are thousands of companies with enough need for experienced and inexperienced talent to keep most of our careers secure. That said, not that I’ve gone startup, I recognize how difficult it is to
- Published in Vendors / Agencies