is French
Wednesday, 27 September 2006
I can’t bring you part three of my Comparison Shopping optimization strategy “The Kitchen Sink” because I am too frustrated with Shopping.comIf you haven’t seen their new design, check it out. It is pretty. As a marketer I’m pleased as it makes advertisers much more prominent but as a comparison shopping manager, I’m not so
- Published in Comparison Shopping
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Comparison Shopping Feeds : The Kitchen Sink : Part 2
Tuesday, 26 September 2006
Yesterday, I waxed, perhaps poetically, about how Comparison Shopping is not the high ROI, immediate sale opportunity most marketers expect. It is a part of a customer’s decision making process, research, and consideration so significantly that if you don’t optimize your feeds to promote all products effectively, you do not exist as a store or
- Published in Comparison Shopping
Comparison Shopping is a Catalog – The Kitchen Sink : Part 1
Monday, 25 September 2006
Many new comparison shopping vendors argue in favor of eliminating products from your feed that don’t perform well as the best way to improve your ROI. I say they couldn’t be any more wrong. Research from CMS shows 90% of consumer electronics customers online use comparison shopping yet I’ve found only 33% use it before
- Published in Comparison Shopping, Insights / Research
A Search Engine for Online Marketing
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
Online marketing professionals have a new resource born of our own industry to help them conduct research, ask questions, and learn the business. With the help of Swicki, a search engine designed to search only online marketing content has been developed. The engine supports web 2.0 technologies allowing users to recommend sites/content to be included
- Published in Fun, Insights / Research, Search, Vertical Search
Behavioral Search Marketing
Tuesday, 29 August 2006
Users search an average of 4 times before making a purchase so a bid strategy that tracks against the last search made before the purchase fails to reach customers at the start of their shopping experience. Study search behavior for each of your product types (not just your industry) to understand how customer might search
- Published in Insights / Research, Search
Using Search as your Analytics Platform
Tuesday, 29 August 2006
Given the tremendous number of customers online and studies suggesting as many as 85% use Search, their activity can be monitored for insights on customer behavior, offline marketing effectiveness, brand awareness, product interest. Track impressions, click rates, conversion rates, etc. on groups of keywords to monitor how branded keywords perform against generic terms and keep
- Published in Analytics, Insights / Research, Search
How do you create an XML Sitemap?
Friday, 11 August 2006
Some argue that small websites should create their own; with the vast majority of tools available, automate and forget about it. In short, a Sitemap allows sites to maintain a list of all their pages for indexing. There are a number of available solutions for this with many listed for novices and experts at Google.You
- Published in Google, Natural Search / SEO, Search