O’Brien Skis (or, the effectiveness of Google’s content targeting)
Friday, 12 September 2008
Just a quick note to point out the humor and coincidence I’m experiencing with Google’s technology. Over the past few days I’ve been updating the blog, working on the keyword optimization of my own name. I also happen love water sports; an avid skier and swimmer, I used to be able to do a flip
Integrate Search Marketing with Offline! (for cryin’ out loud!)
Tuesday, 09 September 2008
My heart bleeds with tears of sorrow at the discovery by iProspect and JupiterResearch that nearly half (45%) of search engine marketers do NOT integrate their search marketing efforts with offline channels. diable pensez-vous?!? (pardon my french) How can we be doing this when evidence consistently shows that a majority of searchers are driven to
- Published in Brand Marketing, Display Advertising, Paid Search, Search
The Library Analogy Takes Hold
Monday, 08 September 2008
The turn of the year brought us Christmas, New Years Eve, and one of my favorite favorite ideas: The Library Analogy. The premise is simple, the easiest way to explain SEO to someone unfamiliar with search engines, websites, or optimization, is to compare the practice to managing a library. I won’t go into the detail
- Published in Natural Search / SEO, Search