Performance Based Web Design
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
For those of you that have been with me a while, you know that I’m a tremendous advocate of performance based marketing. I firmly believe that online marketing is heavily, certainly predominantly, and almost completely analytics driven when done well. We need not as what ad rates well with focus groups or how effectively a
- Published in Analytics, Display Advertising, Vendors / Agencies
SEO Toolbox – Xinu
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Just a quick post to let you know about a wonderful resource I’ve stumbled onto: Xinu is a brilliant mashup of valuable search optimization insights such as backlinks, page rank, social bookmark links, and pages indexed. The intuitive service includes links to each platform to investigate your site’s details, leaving only recommendations lacking; Xinu would
- Published in Analytics, Insights / Research, Natural Search / SEO
Finervista: A New Vertical Search Engine
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
In the age of increasingly more specialization in search, it seems there’s another segment getting attention. The paint isn’t even dry and San Francisco based Finervista seems to have experienced a successful début of an educational search platform. Serving thousands of webcasts through their searchable index, they provide a wonderful resource for business executives, legal
- Published in Insights / Research, Search, Vertical Search
Analytics Comparison: 3rd Party Paper
Wednesday, 05 September 2007
Doesn’t that just take the cake? Here I spend a few hours writing up my perspective of the major web analytics platforms only to have a much more comprehensive report released by StoneTemple Consulting shortly thereafter. Joking aside, for anyone contemplating the right solution, their report is worth the read. They cover HitBox, Affinium NetInsight,
- Published in Analytics, Vendors / Agencies